The workplace bully
Is a nasty little creature
But you can spot one easily
By recognizing its features
It'll have its own little gang
Just like when in school
It'll snigger as you walk past
Because it thinks its cool
The workplace becomes its kingdom
Where your presence is despised
And it rules like a communist tyrant
Cos its got bugger all else in its life
It gives itself airs and graces
As if its better than you
It'll sometimes try to be your friend
But it isn't, so don't be fooled.
It has a multitude of faces
To go with the humanity it lacks
One to extract information and
One to spread it behind your back
There's one that spews out sarcasm
Another that makes up lies
There's one to stab you in the back
And one to antagonise
Then there's its face of workplace flirt
This one really is a bore
It'll try and steal your partner
Even though its a hundred and four
It'll gather all its cronies round
To have a bloody good laugh
As you struggle with ten times the work
While it sits there on its arse
It'll blame it on its mental health
But wont give a toss about yours
The fact it made you cry today
And knock your self worth to the floor
It wont care about the dread you feel
Having to face it again next day
As you hold it together for one more shift
Though you feel like running away
It doesn't care about worries you have in life
The ones when in work you put aside
It loves to feed on your weaknesses
So it can be even more cruel and snide
But it also didn't see the strength
It took to get out of bed today
Or the courage to ignore an abuser who
Didn't evolve beyond age eight
Now the trouble with these creatures is
You have something they don't have
So next time don't run, stand up tall
Look them in the eyes and laugh
Perhaps its jealous of your money
Or because you have loads of friends
Maybe you're more popular
Its insecurities never end
Perhaps it's got a crap relationship
Or no relationship at all
But why should you suffer for that
So just love your partner more
Be yourself because that's what it hates
Be proud of who you are
Then tell it to take its school bully shit
And shove it up its arse!
copyright 2020 carol ann lewis
image by pixabay free images